Thursday, April 29th, 2021

INDUSTRY FEATURE: The importance of Infrastructure construction projects

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Rebuilding America’s Highway to Success

The U.S. economy is only as good as its infrastructure. Economists predict that nationwide roads, bridges, telecommunication support and more are causing economic stagnation due to the lack of maintenance and safety updates. Delays caused by traffic congestion alone cost the economy over $120 billion per year, according to engineer and historian Henry Petroski.

The recent global recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused even further concern, prompting a discussion for huge infrastructure overhaul in Congress. Analysts believe that investing in both current maintenance and new infrastructure would stimulate the economy. Increasing efficiency and reliability, all while lowering transportation costs, would boost long-term U.S. competitiveness, insulate the economy from shocks, and create jobs.

Last year alone saw a leap in infrastructure projects focused on:
• Aviation Renovation
• Critical Bridges foundation
• 5G Telecommunications
• Sustainable Energy in the Midwest
• Railroads on the West Coast
• Popular Highways in the Gulf Coast
• Clean Water Sustainability
• Efficient Waste Management
• Hazardous Waste Management

Over the last 10 years, Construction jobs overall have been consistently rising, with an anticipated leap in the workforce for 2021 to help catch up with slowdowns caused by the pandemic. It is estimated that there will be nearly $8 billion in construction projects in 2021, and would only grow with the increasing support of critical infrastructure projects.

Traffic Management, Inc. has long-established partnerships with infrastructure-focused businesses in the water, gas, electric and telecommunications sectors. In anticipation of increased work this spring and summer, TMI is hiring traffic controllers at all 36 branches nationwide. For more information, visit

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